I was a 30 year old booze drinking, chain smoking, recreational pill popping, gossip talking, control freak, know it all who was certain just how everyone else should be running their lives. I was unknowingly codependent to a (now ex) not so supportive spouse and was completely miserable, while trying to fill my empty soul with people who “needed” or “wanted” me. 

That in a nutshell was what I was hiding to those on the outside looking in.

On the outside I appeared level headed, put together, a hands on super mommy with a fully supportive and hopelessly devoted husband. That outside view is what I was choosing to acknowledge as my life flow identity

Can you imagine the humility, anger, victim hood, and depression that came when I made the choice to start acknowledging the truth!?

We have to break through the fear of being uncomfortable and vulnerable in order to fully surrender ourselves and allow in the life we desire in all areas. 

My journey did not start 5 years ago, it began the day I was born, 5 years ago was when my divine creator decided it was time for me to shape the fuck up!

As we are all individual humans existing within one collective consciousness. I was gifted early a lifetime of experiences, interactions, lift ups, and downfalls for me to be able to say to everyone in some sense...

“I see you - I feel you - and I am here, for when you decide it is the right time to heal you." 

​Mountains will move when you surrender!